Taylor willy biography

 Taylor Wily, born Teila Tuli on June 14, 1968, in Laie, Hawaii, was a multifaceted personality known for his careers in sumo wrestling, mixed martial arts, and acting. He passed away on June 20, 2024, at the age of 56.

Sumo Wrestling Career

Wily began his professional career as a sumo wrestler. He joined Japan's professional sumo circuit in 1987 and competed under the shikona (sumo name) "Takamikuni." Despite a promising start, his sumo career was short-lived due to a lack of consistent success and injuries, leading to his retirement in 1989

Mixed Martial Arts

After his sumo career, Wily transitioned to mixed martial arts (MMA). He participated in the first-ever Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) event in 1993, competing under the name Teila Tuli. In his match, he famously lost to Gerard Gordeau after being kicked in the face, which resulted in the loss of some teeth. This fight was one of the most memorable early UFC bouts due to its sheer brutality

Acting Career

Wily is perhaps best known for his role as Kamekona Tupuola on the television series "Hawaii Five-0," which he played from 2010 to 2020. His character, an affable informant and entrepreneur, became a fan favorite. He also appeared in other TV series such as "Magnum P.I." and "MacGyver," often reprising his role as Kamekona

In addition to television, Wily appeared in films, including a notable role in the comedy "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" (2008) where he played Kemo, a hotel worker who befriends the main character. His filmography includes several other minor roles, showcasing his versatility as an actor

Personal Life and Death

Wily was married and had two children. He was known for his charitable activities, including visits to children at Shriners Children's Hawaii Hospital. His death on June 20, 2024, was attributed to natural causes


Taylor Wily left behind a diverse legacy spanning sports and entertainment. His journey from sumo wrestling to MMA and then to a beloved TV personality reflects his adaptability and enduring appeal. Tributes from colleagues and fans alike highlight his impact on the various fields he was part of

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